Friday, March 27, 2015

Another One Bites The Dust

Well here we are. Another year down. Yet another birthday gone by.

Milestones,like birthdays, get me thinking about life. As they do most people I'm sure. Things I've thought about today in particular: how tired I am, how no one should ever work on their birthday, how much my toes hurt, how boring my life is, blah, blah, blah.... 

But then I got to thinking about everything that has happen this year.  I mean we can get so caught up in our everyday, boring, routines that we forget about the amazing things that happen in our life. So forget about my toes (easier said than done), let's take a look back....

My 28th year:
My adventures this year included my first mission trips:
Questa, NM

And Uganda...

I also got to check a few things off my bucket list like: 
Stay at the resort where Dirty Dancing (the best movie of ll time) was filmed.

Visit wine country in CA- Napa and Sonoma.

Visit San Francisco and some pretty famous landmarks for 90's kids like myself (Full House)

I also accomplished some pretty great things too, like:
A 55 mile bike ride....

My 3rd and 4th half-marathons

As well as my first full marathon

I also took some time to look forward today. So with a new year starting today these are my goals and things I'm most excited about....

My 29th year
-buy my first house (hopefully it'll make me feel a little more grown up)
-complete my second sprint triathlon 
-run some more half marathons 
-ride a 100k bike event

What I'm most excited about:
-becoming a Godparent (seriously this consumes 90% of my thoughts nowadays)
-my second Questa mission trip
-buying a house

It's good to look back to remember all the things God has brought you though. It gives your future more of a purpose, I think. But looking forward, I just keep reminding myself that "life's like an hourglass glued to the table" and we can only make tomorrow better than today. 


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