Let me start off by saying... I love kids but I don't actually want kids. I know that might sound strange coming from a person who is around little people 6 days a week (by choice), but the thought of actually having my own kids has never really been on my list of "Things to Do." Don't worry my husband is (almost) completely on board with me.
However... my best friend (soul mate, sister, other half) has been desperately trying to get pregnant for about 2 years now. And while I don't understand the super strong desire to have children, I understand her. I understood when I got a phone call at 6:00 in the morning and only heard sobs on the other end, knowing it was yet another "negative" pregnancy test. I understood that all I really needed to do was cry with her (cause what else can you do). I understood the importance of driving her to a doctor's appointment just so she didn't have to think about how to get to the office, on top of everything else. Bottom line is.... we get each other. She is my person.
So... when I get a text saying "Don't freak out, and don't tell anyone but...*and a picture of a positive pregnancy test*" I definitely understood that I should go to the nearest bathroom and freak out as quietly as possible so no one hears me! Thankfully it was a single bathroom cause you better believe I called as fast as my shaky hands would allow. What I heard on the other end sounded much like the sobs I heard the morning of the "negative test" but these sobs were full of fearful "what if's..."I assured her that no matter what the "what if..." we (her family) will be there!
After taking another test to confirm, she called me to confirm and that's when I lost it. I've never wanted something, for someone else, so much in my life, and now in two words it was happening! It's funny because up until that moment, I would imagine that moment and cry, and now it was happening! I drove straight to her house and as soon as I saw her I lost it again. I haven't cried that hard in a LONG time. But in a way I also felt like the Grinch (just hear me out) cause I feel like my heart grew three sizes that day. In a matter of days, I've gone from a person who wasn't too terribly interested in babies to, I've never loved anything more.... AND IT'S NOT EVEN MY KID!!! I can't imagine being pregnant myself! Lol.
I am so excited to go on this journey with you, even if it's just to hold your hand, and I can't wait to meet you Baby C. I just hope I can live up to all my Godmotherly expectations ;)